Viewing information about an object in Backup
To view information about an object in Backup:
- In the program web interface window, select the Storage section, Files subsection.
The objects table opens.
- In the table, select the object whose information you want to view.
The object details window opens.
The window contains the following information:
- File name—Name of the file.
Clicking the link next to File name opens a list in which you can select one of the following actions:
- Find events.
- Find alerts.
- Copy value to clipboard.
- Size—Size of the file.
- MD5—MD5 hash of a file.
Clicking the link with MD5 opens a list in which you can select one of the following actions:
- Find on Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal.
- Find alerts.
- Create a prevention rule.
- Copy value to clipboard.
- SHA256—SHA256 hash of a file.
Clicking the link with SHA256 opens a list in which you can select one of the following actions:
- Find on Kaspersky Threat Intelligence Portal.
- Find on
- Find events.
- Find alerts.
- Create a prevention rule.
- Copy value to clipboard.
- Time stored—Time when the object was placed in Backup.
- Time uploaded—Time of upload for objects that were manually uploaded by a user.
- Company —Name of the organization to which the Central Node, PCN, or SCN server belongs.
- Server—Name of the Central Node, PCN, or SCN server. The host from which the object was received is connected to this server.
- Host—Name of the host from which the object was received.
- User name—Name of the user account that manually uploaded the object to Backup.
- Scan results—Result of object scan by the program.
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