Modifying the status of VIP alerts

Users with the Senior security officer role can assign the VIP status to alerts or clear the VIP status of alerts.

To change the VIP status of alerts:

  1. Select the Alerts section in the window of the program web interface.

    The table of alerts opens.

  2. Select the check boxes next to those alerts whose VIP status you want to change.

    You can select all alerts by selecting the check box in the table header.

  3. Do one of the following:
    • If you want to mark alerts as VIP, click the Mark as VIP button in the pane that appears in the lower part of the window.
    • If you want to remove the VIP status from alerts, select Mark as non-VIP in the Mark as VIP drop-down list in the pane that appears in the lower part of the window.

    The action confirmation window opens.

    You can also leave a comment that will be displayed in the alert change history.

  4. Click the Proceed button.

The VIP status of alerts is changed.

Users with the Senior security officer role can view all events with the VIP status by filtering alerts by VIP status.

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