Kaspersky SD-WAN

Connecting to a Zabbix server

Integration with Zabbix allows monitoring solution components. Before connecting to the Zabbix server, it must be deployed in one of your data centers.

To connect to the Zabbix server:

  1. In the menu, go to the Monitoring section.

    The settings for connecting to the Zabbix server are displayed.

  2. In the URL field, enter the web address of the Zabbix API. The orchestrator sends HTTP requests to this address to receive monitoring results and display then as charts.

    The address consists of the address of the Zabbix web interface and the api_jsonrpc.php file name, which is used for API calls. For example, if the Zabbix web interface is located at, enter

  3. In the Username field, enter the user name for connecting to the Zabbix API. You must enter the user name for an account that has read and write permissions in the host groups that you created on the Zabbix server to monitor the components of the Kaspersky SD-WAN solution. This account is used for authentication on the Zabbix server when sending an API request.
  4. In the Password field, enter the password for connecting to the Zabbix API.
  5. In the VNF/PNF group, enter the name of the host group that you created on the Zabbix server for monitoring VNFs or PNFs. If you have not created a group, the orchestrator automatically creates one.
  6. In the CPE group field, enter the name of the host group that you created on the Zabbix server for monitoring CPE devices. If you have not created a group, the orchestrator automatically creates one.
  7. In the Triggers synchronization (sec.) field, enter the time interval in seconds for sending notifications about errors from the Zabbix server. Range of values: 5 to 600. The default setting is 600.
  8. Below the Token field, click Generate to generate a token that the Zabbix server must use to establish a secure connection with the orchestrator. Security is also protected by TLS certificates. You can enter the token manually or view it by clicking the view button .
  9. To check the availability of the Zabbix server, click Test connection.
  10. Click Apply.