Kaspersky SD-WAN

Creating a subnet

To create a subnet:

  1. In the menu, go to the Infrastructure section.

    The SD-WAN infrastructure management page is displayed. By default, the Network resources tab is selected, which displays the table of SD-WAN Controllers.

  2. In the upper part of the page, click + Subnet.
  3. This opens a window; in that window, in the Domain and Data center drop-down lists, select the domain and data center to which the subnet belongs.
  4. In the Name field, enter the name of the subnet.
  5. In the IP version drop-down list, select the version of IP addresses that the subnet uses:
    • IPv4 (selected by default)
    • IPv6
  6. In the CIDR field, enter the IP address and subnet mask. Format of the value: <IP address>/<subnet mask>, for example,
  7. In the Gateway field, enter IP address of the default gateway that network devices on the subnet must use to communicate with other networks.
  8. Under IP range, click + Add to add a range of IP addresses, and in the fields that are displayed, enter the starting and ending values for the range. IP addresses from the range are assigned to network devices on the subnet. You can add multiple ranges.

    You must add at least one IP address range for each data center used in your organization.

  9. Under DNS, click + Add to add a DNS server, and in the field that is displayed, enter IP address of the server. Network devices receive the IP address of the DNS server together with IP addresses from the range. DNS servers make it possible for network devices to resolve domain names into IP addresses and thus support DNS-reliant applications such as browsers and email. You can add multiple servers.
  10. Under Static routes, click + Add to add a static route, and in the field that is displayed, enter the route. Network devices receive the static route together with IP addresses from the range. Static routes allow controlling the routing of traffic between subnets, for example, to optimize traffic transmission, route certain types of traffic to a specific destination, or establish a connection between two remote locations. You can add multiple routes.
  11. Click Create.

The subnet is created and displayed in the table on the IPAM tab.