Kaspersky SD-WAN

Traffic mirroring

Kaspersky SD-WAN supports forwarding and mirroring traffic from collection points to the destination within an individual TAP service. Collection and destination points are service interfaces. Collection points can be both individual service interfaces and service interfaces used in transport services. Collection points are specified when creating a TAP service, but a destination must be created in advance.

Forwarding means sending traffic that arrives to collection points to the destination point, and mirroring means sending a copy of the traffic. Note that Kaspersky SD-WAN temporarily does not support forwarding and mirroring of outgoing traffic.

When creating a TAP service, you can also specify traffic classification rules that will be used at the destination to separate the data of interest from the overall stream.

In this Help section

Creating a traffic destination

Deleting a traffic destination

Creating a TAP service

Editing a TAP service

Viewing statistics of a TAP service

Deleting a TAP service