Kaspersky SD-WAN

CPE device statuses and states

CPE devices can have the following statuses:

  • Unknown means that the device is connected to the orchestrator, but an entry was not created for it in the web interface.
  • Waiting means that an entry was created for the device in the web interface, but the device is not connected to the orchestrator and/or is not registered.
  • Registering means that the device is in the process of registration.
  • Error means that an error occurred during the registration of the device.
  • Registered means that the device has been registered successfully.
  • Configuration means that the configuration of the device is being modified.

CPE devices can be in the following states:

  • In relation to the orchestrator:
    • Activated means that the configuration of the assigned template has been applied to the device. You can connect such a device to transport services and use it to transmit traffic.
    • Deactivated (in the Waiting status) means that the configuration of the assigned template has not been applied to the device. You can make local changes to the device configuration before activating it.
    • Deactivated (in the Registered status) means that the device is blocked from transmitting traffic through the links and the orchestrator does not respond to requests coming from the device.
  • In relation to the SD-WAN Controller:
    • Active means that the device is being managed by a Controller.
    • Inactive means that the device is not being managed by a Controller.