Kaspersky SD-WAN

Monitoring solution components

Monitoring of

, , and CPE devices is provided by an external Zabbix monitoring system. Part of the data is collected through the SD-WAN Controller. To integrate with the monitoring system, you must deploy the Zabbix server in one of your data centers, or connect an existing server.

The Zabbix server contains monitoring settings, processes monitoring results, provides them as data for visualization, and sends notifications about any errors that may have occurred.

To collect monitoring results in individual data centers and send them to the central Zabbix server, you must deploy Zabbix proxy servers. Such servers help reduce the CPU load of the Zabbix server, reduces the IOPS (Input/Output Operations Per Second) of its disk, and also lets you quickly scale the monitoring system.

Monitoring can be performed in two ways, depending on the software installed on the device:

  • If the software installed on the device supports the installation of Zabbix agents, it automatically sends monitoring data to the Zabbix server or Zabbix proxy.
  • If the software installed on the device does not support the installation of Zabbix agents, the Zabbix proxy server automatically connects to it over SNMP and collects the necessary data.

When managing CPE devices, as well as VNF and PNF, the orchestrator uses the API to automatically create, update, and delete their corresponding hosts on the Zabbix server.

Monitoring results are displayed as graphs, the number of which depends on which Zabbix template was applied to the solution component. Zabbix monitoring templates are configured on the Zabbix server.

If you have created a Zabbix template for monitoring an individual VNF, you must specify its name in the VNF descriptor. Then you can view the monitoring results on individual VNFs. VNF monitoring is necessary for using the Auto Healing and Auto Scaling functionality.

For details about configuring the monitoring system, see the official documentation of the Zabbix solution.

In this Help section

Connecting to a Zabbix server

Connecting to a Zabbix proxy server

Configuring CPE device monitoring

Viewing monitoring results

Viewing errors

Enabling monitoring on a tunnel

Viewing the status of the solution and its components

SNMP protocol