Kaspersky SD-WAN

Creating a traffic filter

Before creating a traffic filter, you must create at least one traffic classification rule.

To create a traffic filter:

  1. In the menu, go to the Infrastructure section.

    The SD-WAN infrastructure management page is displayed. By default, the Network resources tab is selected, which displays the table of SD-WAN Controllers.

  2. Click Management next to the SD-WAN Controller and in the drop-down list, select Configuration menu.

    This opens the SD-WAN Controller configuration menu. By default, you are taken to the Controller nodes section, which displays a table of Controller nodes.

  3. Go to the Traffic filters section.

    A table of traffic filters is displayed.

  4. In the upper part of the page, click + Traffic fliter.
  5. This opens a window; in that window, in the Name field, enter the name of the traffic filter.
  6. In the Sequence field, enter the sequential number of the traffic classification rule. The rule with the lowest number is processed first. Range of values: 1 to 998. You cannot specify the same sequence number for multiple rules. The default setting is 10.
  7. In the Qualification rule drop-down list, select a previously created traffic classification rule that you want to add to the filter.
  8. In the Action drop-down list, select the action that the traffic classification rule must apply to the traffic identified in the overall data stream:
    • Permit — Allow further routing of the traffic. This is the default setting.
    • Deny — Block further routing of the traffic.
  9. Click Add to add a previously created traffic classification rule to the filter. You can add multiple rules.
  10. In the Default action (if sequence=999) drop-down list, select the action that you want to apply to all other traffic:
    • Permit — Allow further routing of the traffic. This is the default setting.
    • Deny — Block further routing of the traffic.
  11. Click Create.

The traffic filter is created and displayed in the table.

You can use a traffic filter when creating transport services.

See also

Scenario: Directing application traffic to a transport service