Kaspersky SD-WAN

Creating a TAP service

Before creating a TAP service, you must complete the following steps:

Note that you can apply one or more traffic classification rules to the traffic destination.

To create a TAP service:

  1. In the menu, go to the Infrastructure section.

    The SD-WAN infrastructure management page is displayed. By default, the Network resources tab is selected, which displays the table of SD-WAN Controllers.

  2. Click Management next to the SD-WAN Controller and in the drop-down list, select Configuration menu.

    This opens the SD-WAN Controller configuration menu. By default, you are taken to the Controller nodes section, which displays a table of Controller nodes.

  3. Go to the TAP services section.

    By default, the Mirroring destination tab is selected, which displays the table of traffic destinations.

  4. Select the TAP services tab.

    A table of TAP services is displayed.

  5. In the upper part of the page, click + TAP service.
  6. To mirror traffic coming to collection points to the destination, select the Mirror traffic check box. When this check box is selected, a copy of the traffic is sent to the destination; when the check box is cleared, the traffic is relayed. This check box is cleared by default.
  7. In the Balancing mode drop-down list, select the balancing mode for evenly distributing traffic among the links to prevent congestion of individual links and prevent performance issues for users:
    • Per-flow — Balancing across flows (sessions). During transmission, flows are evenly distributed across the links. This is the default setting.
    • Per-packet — Per-packet balancing. During transmission, packets are distributed evenly across the links.
    • Broadcast — Packets are sent to all links simultaneously to prevent losses.
  8. In the Mirroring destination drop-down list, select the traffic destination.
  9. In the Source point type drop-down list, select one of the following values:
    • Service interface — Individual service interface.
    • Transport service — Service interface used in the transport service.
  10. If in the Source point type drop-down list, you selected Transport service, follow these steps:
    1. In the Type drop-down list, select the type of the transport service:
      • P2P
      • P2M
      • M2M
    2. In the Transport service drop-down list, select the transport service.
  11. In the Source points drop-down list, select the service interfaces that you want to use as traffic collection points.
  12. Click Next and select the previously created traffic classification rules for the destination.
  13. Click Create.

The TAP service is created and displayed in the table.