Kaspersky SD-WAN
Creating a TAP service
Creating a TAP service
Before creating a TAP service, you must complete the following steps:
- Create a traffic destination.
- Create service interfaces that will be used as traffic collection points.
Note that you can apply one or more traffic classification rules to the traffic destination.
To create a TAP service:
- In the menu, go to the Infrastructure section.
The SD-WAN infrastructure management page is displayed. By default, the Network resources tab is selected, which displays the table of SD-WAN Controllers.
- Click Management next to the SD-WAN Controller and in the drop-down list, select Configuration menu.
This opens the SD-WAN Controller configuration menu. By default, you are taken to the Controller nodes section, which displays a table of Controller nodes.
- Go to the TAP services section.
By default, the Mirroring destination tab is selected, which displays the table of traffic destinations.
- Select the TAP services tab.
A table of TAP services is displayed.
- In the upper part of the page, click + TAP service.
- To mirror traffic coming to collection points to the destination, select the Mirror traffic check box. When this check box is selected, a copy of the traffic is sent to the destination; when the check box is cleared, the traffic is relayed. This check box is cleared by default.
- In the Balancing mode drop-down list, select the balancing mode for evenly distributing traffic among the links to prevent congestion of individual links and prevent performance issues for users:
- Per-flow — Balancing across flows (sessions). During transmission, flows are evenly distributed across the links. This is the default setting.
- Per-packet — Per-packet balancing. During transmission, packets are distributed evenly across the links.
- Broadcast — Packets are sent to all links simultaneously to prevent losses.
- In the Mirroring destination drop-down list, select the traffic destination.
- In the Source point type drop-down list, select one of the following values:
- Service interface — Individual service interface.
- Transport service — Service interface used in the transport service.
- If in the Source point type drop-down list, you selected Transport service, follow these steps:
- In the Type drop-down list, select the type of the transport service:
- P2P
- P2M
- M2M
- In the Transport service drop-down list, select the transport service.
- In the Type drop-down list, select the type of the transport service:
- In the Source points drop-down list, select the service interfaces that you want to use as traffic collection points.
- Click Next and select the previously created traffic classification rules for the destination.
- Click Create.
The TAP service is created and displayed in the table.
Article ID: 249516, Last review: Aug 21, 2024