Kaspersky SD-WAN

Shared storage requirements

Kaspersky SD-WAN uses shared storage (hereinafter also referred to as storage) to ensure fault tolerance. This storage contains the following directories with data that the orchestrator needs:

  • backups — backup copies of VNF and PNF configurations
  • firmware — CPE device firmware
  • images — VNF images
  • vnf_configs — files that can be used by scripts when configuring VNFs
  • vnf_descriptions — VNF descriptors

We recommend using your own shared storage. The requirements for deploying the shared storage are as follows:

  • Support for simultaneous read and write from multiple hosts.
  • The recommended size depends on the size of the files being stored, but at least 40 GB of available protected space that supports further expansion.
  • Bandwidth of the communication channel between the storage and the orchestrator must be at least 1 Gbps; 10-Gigabit Ethernet or 8-Gigabit FC (Fiber Channel) is recommended.
  • The supported IOPS (input/output operations per second) value must be at least 250, at least 400 IOPS is recommended.
  • Storage type:
    • NFS
    • iSCSI
    • FC
    • CephFS
  • The storage must be mounted.
  • Must stay available if the host restarts.