Kaspersky SD-WAN

Point-to-Multipoint (P2M) transport service

Point-to-Multipoint (E-tree in the MEF classification, hereinafter also referred to as the P2M service) is a transport service involving a single service interface of a CPE device transmitting traffic in a centralized way to multiple interfaces on top of an Ethernet network based on a tree topology.

The hierarchical structure of the P2M service simplifies network management, ensures the reliability of data transfer without duplication, and improves the scalability of the network by accommodating new devices.

When creating a P2M service, you must assign one of the following roles to each service interface:

  • Root is a service interface that can send traffic to interfaces with any role. At least one service interface must be assigned this role.
  • Leaf is a service interface that can send traffic only to interfaces with the Root role.

Frames complying with the IEEE 802.1Q and 802.1AD standards can be transmitted.

In this section

Creating a P2M service

Editing a P2M service

Deleting a P2M service

Viewing statistics of a P2M service

Viewing the MAC table of a P2M service

Configuring the display of devices in a P2M service topology

Restarting a P2M service