Kaspersky SD-WAN

Uploading a VNF or PNF package to the orchestrator

VNF and PNF packages are ZIP archives that contain the components necessary for deploying and managing virtual and physical network functions. You can prepare your own network function package and define how the management interface of function must appear in the web interface of the orchestrator.

Each package has the following structure:

  • VNFD (Virtual Network Function descriptor) or PNFD (Physical Network Function descriptor) descriptor files in YAML format. These are configuration files that provide detailed information about the network function, and contain specifications such as specifications for deployment, network connections, and hardware resources.
  • The 'scripts' folder. This folder contains scripts and executable files that are used to deploy and configure the network function. For example, scripts may include automation tasks, installation operations, and unique actions that are required for deployment.

The VNF package structure additionally includes the 'images' folder, which contains image files as well as resources necessary for the proper functioning of the VNF, such as binaries, firmware, and icons.

If you have the platform administrator role, you must upload the VNF and/or PNF package to the orchestrator web interface to gain the ability to add them to the network service topology and apply them to traffic passing through these services.

Note that the SD-WAN Controller is also deployed as a VNF or PNF.

To upload a VNF or PNF package to the orchestrator:

  1. In the menu, go to the Catalog section.

    The network service management page is displayed.

  2. In the upper part of the page, click + VNF or + PNF.
  3. Select a VNF or PNF package file.

The uploaded network function is displayed in the Catalog panel.