Kaspersky SD-WAN

Transport services

Transport services, which are mechanisms used to transfer traffic between remote locations, play a critical role in ensuring reliable, efficient, and secure communication throughout the SD-WAN infrastructure. Transport services are constructed on top of segments and consist of service interfaces.

Kaspersky SD-WAN supports creating the following transport services:

  • Point-to-Point (P2P)
  • Point-to-Multipoint (P2M)
  • Multipoint-to-Multipoint (M2M)

When creating transport services, you can add reserve service interfaces. Reserve and primary service interfaces can be created on the same CPE device. A reserve service interface makes it possible to continue data transfer in the event of a failure of the primary service interface.

The settings of each individual transport service form a service topology that determines the type of connectivity between client devices connected to standard CPE devices and SD-WAN gateways.

In this Help section

Point-to-Point (P2P) transport service

Point-to-Multipoint (P2M) transport service

Multipoint-to-Multipoint (M2M) transport service

Adding a transport service in a CPE template

Editing a transport service in a CPE template

Deleting a transport service from a CPE template

Scenario: Directing application traffic to a transport service