Kaspersky SD-WAN

Multipoint-to-Multipoint (M2M) transport service

Multipoint-to-Multipoint (E-LAN in the MEF classification, hereinafter also referred to as the M2M service) is a transport service that involves establishing a peer connection between interfaces of CPE devices on top of the local Ethernet network for communication and joint performance of tasks in a common networking environment without a centralized controller and a clearly defined hierarchy.

To populate the MAC table on the SD-WAN Controller, the M2M service uses the so-called MAC learning mechanism. At the same time, a separate bridge domain is also organized on each CPE device and the CPE device contains a separate table of MAC addresses.

In this section

Creating an M2M service

Editing an M2M service

Deleting an M2M service

Viewing statistics of an M2M service

Viewing the MAC table of an M2M service

Configuring the display of devices in an M2M service topology

Restarting an M2M service