Kaspersky SD-WAN

Managing network services

Network services relay traffic over the network and apply network functions such as WAN optimization, traffic shaping and identification, and data protection. Multiple network services can be combined into a service chain to sequentially apply the functions of these services to traffic when it is transmitted to its destination.

You can create a network service template to easily deploy this service within tenants.

The main network service responsible for the deployment and operation of Kaspersky SD-WAN is the SD-WAN service. This service is the first to be created, it encompasses the components that are part of the

. At least one SD-WAN service is deployed within each SD-WAN instance.

Network services and their templates are created using a graphical design tool. It allows visually constructing a service topology by placing the following components into it:

  • Network components such as VNF and PNF.
  • Links, such as P2P, P2M and M2M transport services, as well as OpenStack connections, such as the OS 2 Shared network.
  • UNIs and WAN interfaces.

Links are connected to network components and interfaces to create the topology of the network service. You can link separately created network services by placing a shared network service (shared NS) in their topology.

An example of a network service topology is shown in the figure below.


An example of a network service topology

In this Help section

User roles and actions with network services

Uploading a VNF or PNF package to the orchestrator

Network service template

Creating a network service

Configuring network service topology components

Editing a network service topology

Deploying a network service

Checking the consistency of a network service

Redeploying a network service and its components


Managing VNFs and VDUs in a network service

Viewing the network service log

Deleting a network service