Kaspersky SD-WAN

Configuring the Docker container log verbosity

Kaspersky SD-WAN automatically keeps logs of Docker containers, which are used to deploy and support solution components. You can select the verbosity level of these logs to monitor containers and restore them more quickly if failures occur.

When you open the log, the following buttons for selecting the level of detail are displayed in the upper part of the page, as well as next to each Docker container:

  • Click TRACE to log the most complete information, including debug statements, for advanced troubleshooting.
  • Click DEBUG to log detailed information, including variable values and function call records, for troubleshooting and understanding the way in which the container operates.
  • Click INFO to log general information for understanding the way in which the container operates and looking up important events. This level of detail is selected by default for all containers.
  • Click WARN to log errors or events that do not call for immediate intervention from the user, but may compromise the operation of the container.
  • Click ERROR to log errors or exceptions that may compromise the operation of the container. Such records often require immediate intervention from the user.

To configure Docker container log verbosity:

  1. In the lower part of the menu, click the settings button and in the drop-down list, select Log settings.

    A table of Docker containers is displayed.

  2. Select the Docker container log verbosity:
    • To configure the verbosity level of all Docker containers, click the corresponding button in the General logging level section.
    • To configure the verbosity level of an individual Docker container, click the corresponding button in the Logging level column.