Kaspersky SD-WAN

SD-WAN Controller properties

A deployed SD-WAN Controller has default properties. Each property regulates the Controller, for example, the controller.listen.port property specifies the TCP interface for incoming connections to which CPE devices connect.

Properties have change methods that determine whether the value of an individual property can be changed and at which time the change takes effect. A property can have the following change methods:

  • Read-only — This property directly affects the operation of the SD-WAN Controller and cannot be changed.
  • Reload — The property can be changed. When a property changes value, the orchestrator commits the new value to the database of the SD-WAN Controller. The new value takes effect after the Controller is restarted.

    A property value that is in the database, but has not yet taken effect is called a planning value. You can delete a planning value before restarting the SD-WAN Controller to keep the current value.

  • Runtime — The property can be changed. The new value takes effect immediately.

You can modify properties with the Reload and Runtime change methods, reset them to default values, and delete planning values.

If your SD-WAN Controller is deployed as a multi-node cluster, you must change properties while configuring the whole cluster. You cannot change the properties of an SD-WAN Controller while configuring one of its nodes.

In this section

Editing or resetting SD-WAN Controller properties

Deleting an SD-WAN Controller property planning value