Creating KUMA user in Kaspersky Security Center

To create a user in Kaspersky Security Center for KUMA integration:

  1. In the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console, select the node with the name of the required Administration Server.
  2. In the context menu of the Administration Server, select Properties.
  3. In the Administration Server properties window, select the Security section.
  4. In the Names of groups or users field, click the Internal user button.

    User selection window opens.

  5. Click the Add user button and add the user.

    Only the user name and password are required. When the user is created, it will be appear in the User selection window.

  6. Select the user you created and click OK.

    The user will be displayed in the Names of groups or users field.

  7. Select the user and in the Rights tab of Permissions for web section of the workspace and configure KUMA user rights:
    • Receiving information about assets from Kaspersky Security Center: check the Allow check box in the Basic functionality node next to Read permissions.
    • Starting Kaspersky Endpoint Security tasks for Linux: check the Allow check boxes in the Basic functionality node next to Read and Modify permissions.
    • Starting scan tasks in Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows: check the Allow check boxes in the Basic Functionality and Protection Components nodes next to Read and Modify permissions.
    • Starting update tasks in Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows: check the Allow check boxes in the Basic functionality and Protection components nodes next to Read and Modify permissions.
  8. Click OK.

KUMA user is added to Kaspersky Security Center. It can now be used to create a Kaspersky Security Center connection.

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