Step 4. Filtering events

This is an optional step of the Installation Wizard. The Event filtering tab of the Installation Wizard allows you to select or create a filter resource whose settings specify the conditions for filtering out irrelevant events. You can add more than one filter to a collector. You can swap the filters by dragging them by the DragIcon icon as well as delete them. Filters are combined by the AND operator.

To add an existing filter to a collector resource set,

Click the Add filter button and select the required filter from the Filter drop-down menu.

To add a new filter to the collector resource set:

  1. Click the Add filter button and select Create from the Filter drop-down menu.
  2. If you want to keep the filter as a separate resource, set the Save filter toggle switch. This can be useful if you decide to reuse the same filter across different services. The toggle switch is turned off by default.
  3. If you toggle the Save filter switch on, enter a name for the created filter resource in the Name field. The name must contain from 1 to 128 Unicode characters.
  4. In the conditions section, specify the conditions that the events must meet:
    • The Add condition button is used to add filtering conditions. You can select two values (two operands, left and right) and assign the operation you want to perform with the selected values. The result of the operation is either True or False.
      • In the operator drop-down list, select the function to be performed by the filter.

        Filter operators

      • In the Left operand and Right operand drop-down lists, select where the data to be filtered will come from. As a result of the selection, Advanced settings will appear. Use them to determine the exact value that will be passed to the filter. For example, when choosing active list you will need to specify the name of the active list, the entry key and the entry key field.
      • You can use the Match case drop-down list to choose whether the values passed to the filter should be case sensitive.
      • You can use the If drop-down list to choose whether you want to create a negative filter condition.

      Conditions can be deleted using the cross button.

    • The Add group button is used to add groups of conditions. Operator AND can be switched between AND, OR, and NOT values.

      A condition group can be deleted using the cross button.

    • Using the Add filter button you can add existing filter resources selected in the Select filter drop-down list to the conditions. You can navigate to a nested filter resource using the edit-grey button.

      A nested filter can be deleted using the cross button.

The filter has been added.

Proceed to the next step of the Installation Wizard.

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