Restarting the service

To restart the service:

  1. Log in to the KUMA web interface and open ResourcesActive services.
  2. Select the check box next to the service and select the necessary option:
    • Reload—perform a hot update of a running service configuration. For example, you can change the field mapping settings or the destination point settings this way.
    • Restart—stop a service and start it again. This is used to change settings such as port number or connector type.

      KUMA Windows Agent can be restarted as described above only if it is running on a remote computer. If the service on the remote computer is inactive, you will receive an error when trying to restart from KUMA. In that case you must restart KUMA Windows Agent service on the remote Windows machine. For information on restarting Windows services, refer to the documentation specific to the operating system version of your remote Windows computer.

    • Reset certificate—remove certificates that the service uses for internal communication. For example, this can be used when Core certificate was updated.

      When working with KUMA agents, this certificate reset method is available only for running agents (that have a green status). For agents with a red status, the certificate must be changed manually.

The service will be restarted.

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