Editing your user account

To edit your user account:

  1. Open the KUMA web interface, click the name of your user account in the bottom-left corner of the window and click the Profile button in the opened menu.

    The User window with your user account parameters opens.

  2. Make the necessary changes to the parameters:
    • Name (required)—enter the user name. Must contain from 1 to 128 Unicode characters.
    • Login(required) – enter a unique user name for the user account. Must contain from 3 to 64 characters (only a–z, A–Z, 0–9, . \ - _).

      Email (required)—enter the unique email address of the user. Must be a valid email address.

    • Receive notification by SMTP—select this check box if you want to receive SMTP notifications from KUMA.
  3. If you need to change the password, click the Change password button and fill in the fields described below in the opened window. When finished, click OK.
    • Current password (required)—enter the current password of your user account.
    • New password (required)—enter the password to the user account. Password requirements:
      • 8 to 128 characters long.
      • At least one lowercase character.
      • At least one uppercase character.
      • At lease one numeral.
      • At least one of the following special characters: !, @, #, %, ^, &, *.
    • Confirm password (required)—enter the password again for confirmation.
  4. If necessary, use the Generate token button to generate an API token. Clicking this button displays a window containing the automatically created token.

    When the window is closed, the token is no longer displayed. If you did not copy the token before closing the window, you will have to generate a new token.

  5. Click Save.

Your user account is changed.

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