Starting Kaspersky Security Center tasks automatically

Kaspersky Security Center tasks can be started automatically by Correlators. When certain conditions are met, the Correlator activates Response rules that contain the list of Kaspersky Security Center tasks to start and define the relevant assets.

To configure Response resource that can be used by Correlators to start Kaspersky Security Center task automatically:

  1. In the KUMA web interface, open ResourcesResponse.
  2. Click the Add response button and set parameters as described below:
    • In the Name field enter the resource name that will let you identify it.
    • In the Type drop-down list, select ksctasks (Kaspersky Security Center tasks).
    • In the Kaspersky Security Center task drop-down list, select the tasks that must be run when the correlator linked to this response resource is triggered.

      You can select several tasks. When Response is activated, it picks only the first task from the list of the selected tasks that match the relevant asset. The rest of the matching tasks are disregarded. If you want to start several tasks on one condition, you must create several Responses.

    • In the Event field select the fields of the event that triggered the Correlator, where the assets for which the task must be run are defined. Possible values:
      • SourceAssetID
      • DestinationAssetID
      • DeviceAssetID
  3. In the Filter section, you can specify the conditions to define events that will be processed by the created resource. You can select an existing filter resource from the drop-down list, or select Create new to create a new filter.

    Creating a filter in resources

  4. If necessary, in the Workers field specify the number of response processes that can be run simultaneously.
  5. Click Save.

The Response resource is created. It can now be linked to a Correlator that would trigger it, starting a Kaspersky Security Center task as a result.

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