This is an optional step of the Installation Wizard. On the Response tab of the Installation Wizard, you can select or create a resource for response rules and indicate which actions must be performed when the correlation rules are triggered. There can be multiple response rules. You can add them by clicking the Add button and can remove them by clicking the button.
To add an existing response rule to a set of resources:
Click Add.
The response rule settings window opens.
In the Response rule drop-down list, select the relevant resource.
The response rule is added to the set of resources for the correlator.
To create a new response rule in a set of resources:
Click Add.
The response rule settings window opens.
In the Response rule drop-down list, select Create.
In the Type drop-down list, select the type of response rule and define its corresponding settings:
ksctasks—if KUMA is integrated with Kaspersky Security Center, you can configure response rules to start Kaspersky Security Center tasks related to assets. For example, you can run a virus scan or database update. You can start these tasks only for assets that were imported from Kaspersky Security Center.
Kaspersky Security Center task (required)—name of the Kaspersky Security Center task that you need to start. Tasks must be created beforehand and their names must begin with "KUMA ". For example, "KUMA antivirus check".
Event field (required)—this field defines an event field with the asset that we need to start Kaspersky Security Center task for. Possible values:
To send requests to Kaspersky Security Center, you must ensure that Kaspersky Security Center is available over the UDP protocol.
script—used for running a sequence of instructions written to a file. The script file is stored on the server where the correlator service using the response resource is installed: /opt/kaspersky/kuma/correlator/<Correlator ID>/scripts. The kuma user of the operating system must be able to run the script.
Timeout—the number of seconds the system will wait before running the script.
Script name (required)—the name of the script file.
If the script Response resource is linked to the Correlator service, but the is no script file in the /opt/kaspersky/kuma/correlator/<Correlator ID>/scripts folder, the service will not start.
Script arguments—parameters or event field values that must be passed to the script.
If the script includes actions taken on files, you should specify the absolute path to these files.
Parameters can be written with quotation marks (").
Event field names are passed in the {{.EventField}} format, where EventField is the name of the event field which value must be passed to the script.
Example: -n "\"usr\": {{.SourceUserName}}"
If necessary, in the Workers field, specify the number of response task processes that can be run simultaneously.
In the Filter section, you can specify conditions to identify events that will be processed by the response rule resource. You can select an existing filter resource from the drop-down list, or select Create new to create a new filter.
If you want to keep the filter as a separate resource, set the Save filter toggle switch. This can be useful if you decide to reuse the same filter across different services. The toggle switch is turned off by default.
If you toggle the Save filter switch on, enter a name for the created filter resource in the Name field. The name must contain from 1 to 128 Unicode characters.
In the conditions section, specify the conditions that the events must meet:
The Add condition button is used to add filtering conditions. You can select two values (two operands, left and right) and assign the operation you want to perform with the selected values. The result of the operation is either True or False.
In the operator drop-down list, select the function to be performed by the filter.
<—the left operand is less than the right operand.
<=—the left operand is less than or equal to the right operand.
>—the left operand is greater than the right operand.
>=—the left operand is greater than or equal to the right operand.
inSubnet—the left operand (IP address) is in the subnet of the right operand (subnet).
contains—the left operand contains values of the right operand.
startsWith—the left operand starts with one of the values of the right operand.
endsWith—the left operand ends with one of the values of the right operand.
match—the left operand matches the regular expression of the right operand. The RE2 regular expressions are used.
inActiveList—this filter has only one operand. Its values are selected in the Key fields field and are compared with the entries in the active list selected from the Active List drop-down list.
inCategory—the asset in the left operand is assigned at least one of the asset categories of the right operand.
inActiveDirectoryGroup—the Active Directory account in the left operand belongs to one of the Active Directory groups in the right operand.
TIDetect—this operator is used to find events using CyberTrace Threat Intelligence (TI) data. This operator can be used only on events that have completed enrichment with data from CyberTrace Threat Intelligence. In other words, it can only be used in collectors at the destination selection stage and in correlators.
You can use the Match case check box in the Operator drop-down list to choose whether the values passed to the filter should be case sensitive. This check box is cleared by default.
In the Left operand and Right operand drop-down lists, select where the data to be filtered will come from. As a result of the selection, Advanced settings will appear. Use them to determine the exact value that will be passed to the filter. For example, when choosing active list you will need to specify the name of the active list, the entry key and the entry key field.
You can use the If drop-down list to choose whether you want to create a negative filter condition.
Conditions can be deleted using the button.
The Add group button is used to add groups of conditions. Operator AND can be switched between AND, OR, and NOT values.
A condition group can be deleted using the button.
Using the Add filter button you can add existing filter resources selected in the Select filter drop-down list to the conditions. You can navigate to a nested filter resource using the button.
A nested filter can be deleted using the button.
The new response rule was added to the set of resources for the correlator.
Proceed to the next step of the Installation Wizard.