Saving and selecting events filter configuration

In KUMA, you can save a filter configuration so it can be used in the future or by other users. When saving a filter, you save the settings of all the active filters at once: time-based filter, query builder, and the events table settings. Search queries are saved on the KUMA Core server and are available to all KUMA users of the selected tenant.

To save the current filter settings, search the query and time period:

  1. In the Events section of the KUMA web interface, click the SaveButtondrop-down list next to the filter attribute and select Save current filter.
  2. In the window that opens, enter the name of the filter configuration in the Name field. The name must contain 128 Unicode characters or less.
  3. In the Tenant drop-down list, select the tenant that will own the created filter.
  4. Click Save.

The filter configuration is now saved.

To select a previously saved filter configuration:

In the Events section of the KUMA web interface, click the SaveButton drop-down list near the filter expression and select the relevant filter.

Selected configuration is active.

You can click the StarOffIcon icon near the filter configuration name to make it a default filter.

The list of filter configurations can also be opened using Saved searches button in the filter builder window.

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