Editing assets

In KUMA, you can edit asset parameters. All the parameters of manually added assets can be edited. For assets imported from Kaspersky Security Center, you can only change the name of the asset and its category.

To change the asset parameters:

  1. In the Assets section of the KUMA web interface, click the asset that you want to edit.

    The Asset details area opens in the right part of the window.

  2. Click the Edit button.

    The Edit asset window opens.

  3. Make the changes you need in the available fields:
    • Asset name (required. This is the only field available to edit if the asset was imported from Kaspersky Security Center.)
    • IP address and/or FQDN (required)
    • MAC address
    • Owner
    • Software info:
      • Operating system name
      • Operating system build
    • Hardware info:

      Hardware parameters

  4. Assign or change the category of the asset:
    1. Click the button with the parent-category icon.

      Select categories window opens.

    2. Select check boxes next to the categories that should be assigned to the asset.
    3. Click Save.

    The selected categories appear in the Categories fields.

    You can also select the asset and then drag and drop it into the required category. This category will be added to the list of asset categories.

    Do not link assets to the Categorized assets category.

  5. If required, add information about the operating system installed on the asset in the Software section.
  6. If required, add information about the asset hardware in the Hardware info section.
  7. Click the Save button.

The asset parameters will be modified.

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