Step 7. Routing

This is an optional step of the Installation Wizard. On the Routing tab of the Installation Wizard, you can select or create destination resources with parameters indicating where the events processed by the collector should be redirected. Typically, events from the collector are routed to two points: to the correlator to analyze and search for threats; and to the storage, both for storage and so that processed events can be viewed later. Events can be sent to other locations as needed. There can be more than one destination point.

To add an existing destination to a collector resource set:

  1. In the Add destination drop-down list, select the type of destination resource you want to add:
    • Select Storage if you want to configure forwarding of processed events to the storage.
    • Select Correlator if you want to configure forwarding of processed events to a correlator.
    • Select Other if you want to send events to other locations.

      This type of resource includes correlator and storage services that were created in previous versions of the program.

    The Add destination window opens where you can specify parameters for events forwarding.

  2. In the Destination drop-down list, select the necessary destination.

    The window name changes to Edit destination, and it displays the settings of the selected resource. The resource can be opened for editing in a new browser tab using the edit-grey button.

  3. Click Save.

The selected destination is displayed on the Installation Wizard tab. A destination resource can be removed from the resource set by selecting it and clicking Delete in the opened window.

To add a new destination resource to a collector resource set:

  1. In the Add destination drop-down list, select the type of destination resource you want to add:
    • Select Storage if you want to configure forwarding of processed events to the storage.
    • Select Correlator if you want to configure forwarding of processed events to a correlator.
    • Select Other if you want to send events to other locations.

      This type of resource includes correlator and storage services that were created in previous versions of the program.

    The Add destination window opens where you can specify parameters for events forwarding.

  2. Specify the settings on the Basic settings tab:
    • In the Destination drop-down list, select Create.
    • In the Name field, enter a unique name for the destination resource. The name must contain from 1 to 128 Unicode characters.
    • Use the Disabled toggle button to specify whether events will be sent to this destination. By default, sending events is enabled.
    • Select the Type for the destination resource:
      • Select storage if you want to configure forwarding of processed events to the storage.
      • Select correlator if you want to configure forwarding of processed events to a correlator.
      • Select nats, tcp, http, kafka, or file if you want to configure sending events to other locations.
    • Specify the URL to which events should be sent in the hostname:<API port> format.

      You can specify multiple destination URLs using the URL button for all types except nats and file, if your KUMA license includes High Level Availability module.

      If you have selected storage or correlator as the destination type, the URL field can be populated automatically using the Copy service URL drop-down list that displays active services of the selected type.

    • For the nats and kafka types, use the Topic field to specify which topic the data should be written to. The topic name must contain from 1 to 255 Unicode characters.
  3. If required, define the settings on the Advanced settings tab. The available settings vary based on the selected destination resource type.
    • Compression is a drop-down list where you can enable Snappy compression. By default, compression is disabled.
    • Proxy is a drop-down list for proxy server resource selection.
    • Buffer size field is used to set buffer size (in bytes) for the destination resource. The default value is 1 MB, and the maximum value is 64 MB.
    • Timeout field is used to set the timeout (in seconds) for another service or component response. The default value is 30.
    • Disk buffer size limit field is used to specify the size of the disk buffer in bytes. The default size is 10 GB.
    • Storage ID is a NATS storage identifier.
    • TLS mode is a drop-down list where you can specify the conditions for using TLS encryption:
      • Disabled (default)—do not use TLS encryption.
      • Enabled—encryption is enabled, but without verification.
      • With verification—use encryption with verification that the certificate was signed with the KUMA root certificate. The root certificate and key of KUMA are created automatically during program installation and are stored on the KUMA Core server in the folder /opt/kaspersky/kuma/core/certificates/.

      When using TLS, it is impossible to specify an IP address as a URL.

    • URL selection policy is a drop-down list in which you can select a method for determining which URL to send events to if several URLs have been specified:
      • Any
      • Prefer first
      • Round robin
    • Delimiter is used to specify the character delimiting the events. By default, \n is used.
    • Path—the file path if the file destination type is selected.
    • Flush interval sets the time (in seconds) between sending data to the destination resource. The default value is 100.
    • Workers—this field is used to set the number of services processing the queue. By default, this value is equal to the number of vCPUs of the KUMA Core server.
    • You can set health checks using the Health check path and Health check timeout fields. You can also disable health checks by selecting the Health Check Disabled check box.
    • Debug—a drop-down list where you can specify whether resource logging should be enabled. By default it is Disabled.
    • The Disk buffer disabled drop-down list is used to enable or disable the use of a disk buffer. By default, the disk buffer is disabled.
    • In the Filter section you can specify conditions to identify events that will be processed by the aggregation rule resource. You can select an existing filter resource from the drop-down list, or select Create new to create a new filter.

      Creating a filter in resources

  4. Click Save.

The created destination resource is displayed on the Installation Wizard tab. A destination resource can be removed from the resource set by selecting it and clicking Delete in the opened window.

Proceed to the next step of the Installation Wizard.

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