Step 3. Event parsing

This is a required step of the Installation Wizard. On the Event parsing tab of the Installation Wizard, select or create a normalizer resource whose settings will define the rules for converting raw events into normalized events. You can add more than one normalizer to implement complex processing logic.

When creating a new normalizer in the Installation Wizard, it will be saved in the set of resources for the collector and cannot be used in other collectors. If you want to use the same normalizer in different services, it is recommended to create it as an individual resource.

Adding a normalizer

To add an existing normalizer to a resource set:

  1. Click the Add event parsing button.

    The Event parsing window will open with the normalizer settings and an active Normalization scheme tab.

  2. In the Normalizer drop-down list, select the required normalizer.

    The Event parsing window will display the parameters of the selected normalizer. You can open the selected resource for editing in a new browser tab using the edit-grey button.

  3. Click OK.

The normalizer is displayed as a dark circle on the Event parsing tab of the Installation Wizard. Clicking on the circle will open the normalizer options for editing. When you hover over the circle, a plus sign is displayed: click on it to add more normalizers (see below).

To create a new normalizer:

  1. Select Create from the Normalizer drop-down list.

    The Event parsing window will open with the normalizer settings and an active Normalization scheme tab.

  2. In the Name field, enter a unique name for the normalizer. The name must contain from 1 to 128 Unicode characters.
  3. In the Parsing method drop-down list, select the type of events to receive. Depending on your choice, you can use the preconfigured rules for matching event fields or set your own rules. When you select some parsing methods, additional parameter fields required for filling in may become available.

    Available parsing methods:

    • json
    • cef
    • regexp
    • syslog
    • csv
    • kv
    • xml
    • netflow5
    • netflow9
    • ipfix
    • sql—this method becomes available only when using a sql type connector.
  4. In the Keep raw log drop-down list, specify whether the original raw event should be stored in the newly created normalized event. Available values:
    • Never—do not save the raw event This is the default setting.
    • Only errors—save the raw event in the Raw field of the normalized event if errors occurred when parsing it. This value is convenient to use when debugging a service: in this case, every time an event has a non-empty Raw field, you know there was a problem.
    • Always—always save the raw event in the Raw field of the normalized event.
  5. In the Save extra fields drop-down list, choose whether you want to store the raw event fields in the normalized event if no mapping rules have been configured for them (see below). The data is stored in the Extra event field. By default, fields are not saved.
  6. Copy an example of the data you want to process to the Event examples field. This is an optional but recommended step.

    Event examples can also be loaded from a TSV, CSV, or TXT file by using the Load from file button.

  7. Configure the mapping of the raw event fields to event fields in KUMA format In the Mapping table:
    1. In the Source column, provide the name of the raw event field that you want to convert into the KUMA event field.

      Clicking the wrench-new button next to the field names in the Source column opens the Conversion window, in which you can use the Add conversion button to create rules for modifying the original data before they are written to the KUMA event fields.

      Available conversions

    2. In the KUMA field column, select the required KUMA event field from the drop-down list. You can search for fields by entering their names in the field.
    3. If the name of the KUMA event field selected at the previous step begins with DeviceCustom*, you can add a unique custom label in the Label field if necessary.

    New table rows can be added by using the Add row button. Rows can be deleted individually using the cross button or all at once using the Clear all button.

    If you have loaded data into the Event examples field, the table will have an Examples column containing examples of values carried over from the raw event field to the KUMA event field.

  8. Click OK.

The normalizer is displayed as a dark circle on the Event parsing tab of the Installation Wizard. Clicking on the circle will open the normalizer options for editing. When you hover over the circle, a plus sign is displayed: click on it to add more normalizers (see below).

Enriching normalized events with additional data

You can add additional data to the newly created normalized events by creating enrichment rules in the normalizer similar to those in enrichment rule resources. These enrichment rules are stored in the normalizer resource where they were created. There can be more than one enrichment rule.

To add enrichment rules to the normalizer:

  1. Select the normalizer and go to the Enrichment tab in the Event parsing window.
  2. Click the Add enrichment button.

    The enrichment rule parameter block appears. Close the parameter block using the cross button.

  3. Select the enrichment type from the Source kind drop-down list. Depending on the selected type, you may see advanced settings that will also need to be completed.

    Available Enrichment rule source types:

    • constant
    • dictionary
    • event
    • template
  4. In the Target field drop-down list, select the KUMA event field to which you want to write the data.
  5. Click OK.

Enrichment rules are added to the normalizer, and the Event parsing window is closed.

Creating a structure of normalizers

You can create several extra normalizers within a normalizer. This allows you to customize complex event handling logic.

The sequence in which normalizers are created matters: events are processed sequentially and their path is shown using arrows.

To create an extra normalizer:

The extra normalizer is displayed as a dark block that indicates the conditions under which this normalizer will be used. The conditions can be changed by moving your mouse cursor over the extra normalizer and clicking the button showing the pencil image. If you hover the mouse pointer over the extra normalizer, a plus button appears, which you can use to create a new extra normalizer. To delete a normalizer, use the button with the trash icon.

Proceed to the next step of the Installation Wizard.

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