Exporting and importing resources

You can export and import resources.

To export resources:

  1. In the Resources section → <resource type> click the icon MoreButton.
  2. In the drop-down list, select Export resources.

    The Export resources window opens with the tree of all available resources.

  3. In the Password field enter the password that must be used to protect exported data.
  4. In the Tenant drop-down list, select the tenant whose resources you want to export.
  5. Check boxes near the resources you want to export.

    If selected resources are linked to other resources, linked resources will be exported, too.

  6. Click the Export button.

The resources in a password-protected file are saved on your computer using your browser settings. The Secret resources are exported blank.

To import resources:

  1. Open the MoreButton drop-down list and select Import resources.

    The Resource import window opens.

  2. In the Password field enter the password for the file you want to import.
  3. In the Tenant drop-down list, select the tenant that will own the imported resources.
  4. Click the Select file button and locate the file with the resources you want to import.

    In the Resource import window the tree of all available resources in the selected file is displayed.

  5. Select resources you want to import.
  6. Click the Import button.
  7. Resolve conflicts (see below) between imported and existing resources if they appear. Read more about resource conflicts below.
    1. If the name of any of the imported resource matches the name of the already existing resource, the Conflicts window opens with the table where the kind and the name of conflicting resources are displayed. Resolve displayed conflicts:
      • If you want to replace the existing resource with a new one, click Replace.

        Click Replace all to replace all existing conflicting resources.

      • If you want to leave the existing resource, click Skip.

        Click Skip all to keep all existing resources.

    2. Click the Resolve button.

The resources are imported to KUMA. The Secret resources are imported blank.

About conflict resolving

When resources are imported to KUMA, the program compares them with the existing resources, checking their name, kind, and guid (or identifier) parameters:

When resolving a conflict you can choose either to replace existing resource with the imported one or to keep exiting resource, skipping the imported one.

Some resources are linked (for example, the Connector resource requires the Connection resource); such resources are exported and imported together. If during the import a conflict occurs and you choose to replace existing resource with a new one, it would mean that all the other resources linked to the one being replaced are going to be automatically replaced with the imported resources, even if you chose to Skip any of them.

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