Filtering events using the constructor

In KUMA you can filter events using the filter constructor.

To create a filter using the constructor:

  1. In the Events section of the KUMA web interface, click the SearchField field and select the Builder tab.

    The filter constructor window opens.

  2. Generate a search query:
    • In the SELECT section drop-down list select event parameter that must be displayed in the events table. You can select multiple parameters using ADD COLUMN button. By default, the * value is selected, which means that all available event parameters must be displayed.

      Selecting only few required parameters will omit unnecessary parameter details from displaying in the events table thus optimizing search process.

    • In the FROM section drop-down list select events.
    • In the WHERE section create search conditions:
      1. Select the event parameter you want to use as a filter in the left drop-down list.
      2. Select the required operator in the middle drop-down list. Available operators vary based on the chosen parameter's value type.
      3. Enter the value of the parameter.

        Depending on the selected parameter type, you may have to input the value manually, select it in the drop-down list, or select it on the calendar.

        You can add filter conditions using the Add condition button or delete them using the button with the cross icon.

        You can also add group conditions using the Add group button. By default, group conditions are added with the AND operator, but you can switch the operator between AND, OR, and NOT by clicking the operator name. Available values: AND, OR, NOT. Group conditions are deleted using the Delete group button.

    • In the ORDER BY section set the displayed events order:
      • In the left drop-down list select parameter that must be used for sorting events.
      • In the right drop-down list select ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) sorting order.

      You can add event parameters for event sorting by clicking ADD COLUMN button or delete them using the button with the cross icon.

    • In the LIMIT section field enter the number of events displayed per page. By default, it is set to 250.
  3. Click Search.

After this, only events matching he created filter are displayed in the events table, and the filter expression is displayed in the Search field.

To remove the filter:

  1. In the Events section of KUMA click the field with the filter expression.

    The filter constructor window opens.

  2. Click the New search button.

    Filter parameters will be reset.

  3. Click the Search button.

The filter will no longer be applied to the displayed events.

This action will also delete the time-based filter.

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