Monitoring policies

Policies for monitoring the sources of events are displayed in the table under Sources statusMonitoring policies. You can sort the table by clicking the column header of the relevant setting. Clicking on a policy opens an information pane containing its settings that can be edited.

The following columns are available:

To add a monitoring policy:

  1. In the KUMA web interface, under Sources statusMonitoring policies, click Add policy and define the settings in the opened window:
    • In the Policy name field, enter a unique name for the policy you are creating. The name must contain from 1 to 128 Unicode characters.
    • In the Tenant drop-down list, select the tenant that will own the policy. Your tenant selection determines the specific sources of events that can covered by the monitoring policy.
    • In the Policy type drop-down list, select the method used to track incoming events: by rate or by number.
    • In the Lower limit and Upper limit fields, define the boundaries representing normal behavior. Deviations outside of these boundaries will trigger the monitoring policy, create an alert, and forward notifications.
    • In the Counting period field, specify the period during which the monitoring policy must take into account the data from the monitoring source. The maximum value is 14 days.
    • If necessary, use the Email address button to specify the email addresses that should receive notifications when the KUMA monitoring policy is triggered.

      To forward notifications, you must configure a connection to the SMTP server.

  2. Click Add.

The monitoring policy will be added.

To remove a monitoring policy:

Select the relevant policy, click Delete policy and confirm this action.

You cannot remove preinstalled monitoring policies or policies that have been assigned to data sources.

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