Administrator's workstation
April 17, 2023
ID 3307
Administrator's workstation is a device on which Administration Console is installed or that you use to open Kaspersky Security Center 13.2 Web Console. Administrators can use these devices for centralized remote management of Kaspersky applications installed on client devices.
After Administration Console is installed on your device, its icon appears, allowing you to start Administration Console. Find it in the Start → Programs → Kaspersky Security Center menu.
There are no restrictions on the number of administrator's workstations. From any administrator's workstation you can manage administration groups of several Administration Servers on the network at once. You can connect an administrator's workstation to an Administration Server (physical or virtual) of any level of the hierarchy.
You can include an administrator's workstation in an administration group as a client device.
Within the administration groups of any Administration Server, the same device can function as an Administration Server client, an Administration Server, or an administrator's workstation.