Requirements for a distribution point
April 17, 2023
ID 92569
To handle up to 10,000 client devices, a distribution point must meet, at a minimum, the following requirements (a configuration for a test stand is provided):
- CPU: Intel Core™ i7-7700 CPU, 3.60 GHz 4 cores.
- RAM: 8 GB.
- Disk: SSD 120 GB.
In addition, a distribution point must have internet access and must always be connected.
If any remote installation tasks are pending on the Administration Server, the device with the distribution point will also require an amount of free disk space that is equal to the total size of the installation packages to be installed.
If one or multiple instances of the task for update (patch) installation and vulnerability fix are pending on the Administration Server, the device with the distribution point will also require additional free disk space, equal to twice the total size of all patches to be installed.