Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud

Viewing the list of devices that are marked for deletion

The DevicesMarked for deletion section of Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Management Console displays a list of devices that you plan to delete.

The list contains columns with the following information about devices and their owners:

  • Progress. An icon reflects the status of the security application uninstallation from a device that has been connected to Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud:
    • A blue clock-face. (Scheduled). The security application uninstallation is scheduled or in progress.
    • A green check mark in a green circle. (Done). The security application has been successfully uninstalled. Devices with this status are automatically deleted from the list every 24 hours. If you do not want to wait, you can permanently delete the device manually.
    • A red cross in a red circle. (Error). An error has occurred during uninstallation of the security application. You can find detailed information about the error on the page containing detailed information about the device.

      In this case, the security application must be uninstalled manually. After that, you can permanently delete the device from the list.

    • An orange speech balloon. (Manual). The security application must be uninstalled manually. After that, you can permanently delete the device from the list.
  • OS. Contains the name of the operating system installed on the device.
  • Name. Contains the device name, and specifies the name and version of the operating system installed on the device. You can click the link with the name of a device to proceed to the page containing detailed information about the device.
  • Device owner. Contains the user account name and email address of the device owner.

    If the device does not have an assigned owner, Unassigned is displayed instead. If the device is running Windows, Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud displays the View last signed-in link that leads to the device properties window. There, you can view the user alias of the last person who signed in on this device.

  • Group name. Contains the name of the group to which the device owner belongs.
  • Security profile. Contains the name of the assigned to the device.

You can filter the list of devices by uninstallation status.

To filter the list of devices,

Next to Show devices, click the link with the required uninstallation status.

To remove the filter,

Click the All link.

You can sort the list of devices by column: Progress, OS, Name, Device owner, or Group name.

To sort the list,

Click the link containing the column name.

The column name is displayed in uppercase characters. Next to the name of the column, an up arrow (˄) indicates the sorting direction. To change the sorting direction, click one more time. Next to the name of the column, a down arrow (˅) appears.

You cannot undo the deletion of devices. Later, you can connect the deleted devices again.