Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud

About data provision when using Kaspersky Security Network

When you enable the use of Kaspersky Security Network in Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows or Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Mac, Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud starts sending certain data to Kaspersky. The set of data depends on the type of license that you use to activate Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud and on the security application version.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows (11.5 and later)
Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Mac (11.1 and later)

The set of data that is sent to Kaspersky depends on the number of devices that your license allows you to protect. The specific differences are described in the Kaspersky Security Network Statement that you accept when enabling the use of Kaspersky Security Network.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows (between 11.0 and 11.4, inclusive)

The set of data that is sent to Kaspersky depends on the number of devices that your license allows you to protect. The specific differences are described in the Help of your security application version. For example, if you use Kaspersky Endpoint Security 11.4 for Windows, please refer to this Help article.

The description in the Online Help mentions the Extended KSN mode check box. If your license allows you to protect not more than four devices, it means that the extended KSN mode is disabled in the security application. If your license allows you to protect five devices and more, it means that the extended KSN mode is enabled in the security application.

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows (10.x)
Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Mac (between 10.1 and 11.0, inclusive)

If your license allows you to protect not more than four devices, you cannot enable the use of Kaspersky Security Network. In this case, no data related to the use of Kaspersky Security Network is sent to Kaspersky.

Otherwise, you can enable the use of Kaspersky Security Network. In this case, the data related to the use of Kaspersky Security Network is sent to Kaspersky. The set of data is described in the Kaspersky Security Network Statement that you accept when enabling the use of Kaspersky Security Network.