Viewing the list of vulnerabilities
The Vulnerability Assessment section of Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Management Console displays a list of software
detected on your users' devices running Windows.To view the Vulnerability Assessment section:
- Open Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Management Console.
- Select the Security management → Vulnerability Assessment and Patch Management section.
- Under Vulnerabilities, click the View button.
The Vulnerability Assessment section is divided into two tabs:
- Not fixed
Vulnerabilities that have been detected but not fixed (their fixing has not started or is in progress).
- Fixed
Vulnerabilities that have already been fixed on all affected devices.
After a vulnerability is fixed, it is displayed here for a maximum of 30 days.
The list on each tab contains columns with the following information about vulnerabilities:
- Severity (Critical, High, or Medium).
- Fixing status
Displayed only on the Not fixed tab. The information about the fixing of the vulnerability on affected devices is as follows:
- Update installation disabled
The installation of updates is disabled. You can only fix the vulnerability manually.
- Not planned
This status could be displayed in different cases, for example: there are no updates that fix the vulnerability or an update exists but has not been approved.
You can find more detailed information about the fixing status on each of the affected devices by clicking the link in the Fixed instances column.
- In progress
The installation of updates that fix the vulnerability is in progress or is planned to start on some or all of the affected devices.
You can find more detailed information about the fixing status on each of the affected devices by clicking the link in the Fixed instances column.
- Update installation disabled
- Fixed on
Displayed only on the Fixed tab. Date and time when the vulnerability was last fixed on a device.
- Vulnerability
Vulnerability name.
After you click a link in this column, the console displays more detailed information about the vulnerability.
- Application
Name of the application in which the vulnerability has been detected.
- Fixed instances
On the Not fixed tab: Number of instances of this vulnerability that have already been fixed on your users' devices, and total number of detected vulnerability instances.
On the Fixed tab: Total number of instances of this vulnerability that have been fixed on your users' devices.After you click a link in this column, the console displays a list of affected devices. This list includes the detailed status of vulnerability fixing on each of the devices, and recommendations in case of any problems with fixing. You can filter the list of devices by the vulnerability fixing status.
You can filter the list of vulnerabilities by the following parameters:
- Severity level
- Fixing status (only on the Not fixed tab)
- Application type (vendor of the application in which a vulnerability is detected: Microsoft, third-party vendors, or all vendors)
You can sort the list of vulnerabilities by the Severity column.
To sort the list,
Click the link containing the column name.
The column name is displayed in uppercase characters. Next to the name of the column, an up arrow (˄) indicates the sorting direction. To change the sorting direction, click one more time. Next to the name of the column, a down arrow (˅) appears.
The Search entry field is located above the list. You can use this field to quickly find and switch to an object in a long list.