Categories of information detected by Data Discovery
Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud detects the following categories of critical information:
- Credit/Debit Card Number
- Brazilian Personally Identifiable Information:
- Brazilian Driver's License (CNH)
- Brazilian Identity Card (RG)
- Brazilian Individual Taxpayer Registry (CPF)
- Brazilian Passport
- Chilean Personally Identifiable Information:
- Chilean Driver's License
- Chilean Identity Card
- Chilean Passport
- Chilean Unique Taxpayer Number
- Colombian Personally Identifiable Information:
- Colombian Driver's License
- Colombian Identity Card
- Colombian Passport
- Colombian Unique Taxpayer Number (NIT)
- French Personally Identifiable Information:
- French Driver's License
- French Identity Card
- French Passport
- French Social Security Number
- German Personally Identifiable Information:
- German Driver's License
- German Identity Card
- German Passport
- German Residence Permit
- German Social Insurance Number (SIN)
- German Tax Identification number (TIN)
- Italian Personally Identifiable Information:
- Italian Driver's License
- Italian Fiscal Code
- Italian Identity Card
- Italian Passport
- Mexican Personally Identifiable Information:
- Mexican Citizen Card (CURP)
- Mexican Individual Taxpayer Registry (RFC)
- Mexican Passport
- Mexican Social Security Number
- Portuguese Personally Identifiable Information:
- Portuguese Citizen Card
- Portuguese Driver's License
- Portuguese Passport
- Portuguese Social Security Number (NISS)
- Portuguese Tax Identification Number (NIF)
- Spanish Personally Identifiable Information:
- Spanish Identity Card
- Spanish National Insurance Number
- Spanish Passport
- Spanish Unique Taxpayer Reference
- UK Personally Identifiable Information:
- UK Driving License
- UK National Insurance Number
- UK Passport
- UK Residence Permit
- UK Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR)
- USA Personally Identifiable Information:
- US Driver's License
- US Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)
- US Passport
- US Social Security Number (SSN)
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