Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud

Editing company information

You can modify the company name and description that you specified when you added the company to Kaspersky Business Hub.

To modify the company name and/or description:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • If you have not signed in to your account on Kaspersky Business Hub:
      1. In your browser, go to Kaspersky Business Hub.
      2. Sign in to your account on Kaspersky Business Hub by specifying the user name and the password.
      3. If you set up two-step verification, enter the one-time security code that is either sent to you by SMS or generated in your authenticator app (depending on the two-step verification method that you set up).
    • If you are currently working with , select Manage workspaces from the drop-down list on the left.

    The portal page displays a list of companies for which you are an administrator.

  2. Follow the link with the name of the company for which you want to edit information or click the arrow icon to the left of the name.
  3. Click the Edit (A pencil.) icon in the area with the company information.

    The page displays an information section containing the Company name and Company description entry fields.

  4. Modify the company name and/or description as you want.
  5. Click the Save button.

    To cancel the changes, click the Cancel button.

The modified details are displayed on the page of your account on Kaspersky Business Hub and in Kaspersky Endpoint Security Cloud Management Console.