How to update payment method
When you purchase a subscription for a Kaspersky product from an authorized reseller, the payment method (for example, bank card or bank account number) you use is added to your My Kaspersky account. The payment method is linked automatically to your subscription and charged according to the terms of the subscription. You can use different payment methods. For example, you can pay for one subscription with a bank card and for another subscription with a different card.
We don't store or process any data regarding your payment methods. The data we receive from your payment provider is displayed as is.
To view payment methods linked to your account:
- Click the link with your email address in the upper-right corner of the page.
A drop-down menu opens.
- Click the manage your account button.
This opens a window in which you can edit the account settings.
- Go to the Payment method tab.
This opens a list of payment methods used for purchasing subscriptions.
- Click the Details link in the payment method card to view subscriptions linked to this payment method. If there is no Details link for the payment method, then there is no linked subscription.
As mentioned above, payment method data received from a payment provider is displayed as is. Various payment methods can be used to purchase a subscription from external providers. If the information we receive is insufficient to correctly identify the payment method, then Unknown payment method may be displayed instead of a payment method name. Don’t worry – everything is OK with your subscription payment. This just means we can't identify it.
If the warning Couldn't debit funds is displayed, that means that the payment method cannot be used to pay for the next subscription term and the subscription will not be renewed. We recommend to change your payment method and provide new bank card, for example, in the Payment method tab.
You can also update your payment method at any time by:
- changing your payment details, for example, using a new bank card if your current card is about to expire
- changing your billing address
- deleting a payment method that is no longer used.
A payment method can be deleted only if no subscription is using it. If you see Used in your subscriptions in the payment method card, then you first need to cancel auto-renewal for all linked subscriptions. Click Details to see what subscription(s) are linked to the payment method. To delete the payment method, first cancel your subscription (see Managing subscriptions).
To update your payment method:
- Click the gear (
) icon to open the menu.
- To change your payment method, click Change payment details.
This opens a window where you can edit payment details. How to edit payment details depends on the payment provider. Follow the provided instructions.
Please be aware that changing payment details will affect all subscriptions linked to the payment method.
If your payment method can't be identified, we recommend using a bank card instead. When you click Change payment details for an Unknown payment method, a form opens where you can add bank card details.
- To change your billing address, click Change billing address.
You will be redirected to the authorized reseller’s website where you purchased your subscription. Follow the provided instructions.
To delete a payment method:
- Click the gear (
) icon to open the menu.
- Click Delete. If there are no subscriptions linked to the payment method, then a Delete payment method pop-up window opens. Click Delete to confirm the action. Please note that this action cannot be undone.
- If there are subscriptions linked to the payment method, then a pop-up window opens with a list of these subscriptions. Click Cancel subscription for the subscriptions in the list. You will be redirected to subscription details window where you need to turn off auto-renewal.
- Repeat step 3 for each subscription linked to the payment method.
- When all linked subscriptions are canceled, then you can delete the payment method as described above (see step 2).