Creating an additional protection profile
July 9, 2024
ID 188579
To create an additional protection profile:
- In the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console, open the list of additional protection profiles in the properties of the policy for which you want to create an additional protection profile.
- Click the Add button.
The Protection profile window opens.
- In the window that opens, enter the name of the new protection profile.
A protection profile name cannot contain more than 255 characters.
- If you want to use previously saved protection profile settings when creating a new protection profile, select the Import settings from file check box and specify the path to the file in JSON format.
- In the Protection profile window, click OK.
The Protection settings window opens. In this window, you can configure the settings of the new protection profile or change protection profile settings that were imported from a file.
The additional protection profile settings are identical to the main protection profile settings, with the exception of the default list of exclusions.
By default, the list of exclusions does not include objects recommended by Microsoft Corporation (please refer to the list of exclusions recommended by Microsoft on the Microsoft website). If you want the objects recommended by Microsoft to be excluded from protection on all virtual machines that have been assigned this protection profile, you need to import the microsoft_file_exclusions.xml file into the protection profile exclusions. The microsoft_file_exclusions.xml file is included in the application distribution kit and is located in the setup folder of the Kaspersky Security administration plug-in on the computer on which the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console is installed. After importing the file, you can view and edit the list of these objects in the Files and folders table in the Exclusions from protection window.
- After configuring all settings of the protection profile, click OK in the Protection settings window.
In the Properties: <Policy name> window, a new protection profile appears in the list of additional protection profiles.
You can assign the created protection profile to virtual machines.