KasperskyOS Community Edition 1.1
- What's new
- About KasperskyOS Community Edition
- Overview of KasperskyOS
- Getting started
- Development for KasperskyOS
- Starting processes
- File systems and network
- Contents of the VFS component
- Creating an IPC channel to VFS
- Building a VFS executable file
- Merging a client and VFS into one executable file
- Overview: arguments and environment variables of VFS
- Mounting a file system at startup
- Using VFS backends to separate file calls and network calls
- Writing a custom VFS backend
- IPC and transport
- KasperskyOS API
- libkos library
- Overview of the libkos library
- Memory
- Memory allocation
- Threads
- KosThreadCallback()
- KosThreadCallbackRegister()
- KosThreadCallbackUnregister()
- KosThreadCreate()
- KosThreadCurrentId()
- KosThreadExit()
- KosThreadGetStack()
- KosThreadOnce()
- KosThreadResume()
- KosThreadSleep()
- KosThreadSuspend()
- KosThreadTerminate()
- KosThreadTlsGet()
- KosThreadTlsSet()
- KosThreadWait()
- KosThreadYield()
- Handles
- Notifications
- Processes
- Dynamically created channels
- Synchronization primitives
- KosCondvarBroadcast()
- KosCondvarDeinit()
- KosCondvarInit()
- KosCondvarSignal()
- KosCondvarWait()
- KosCondvarWaitTimeout()
- KosEventDeinit()
- KosEventInit()
- KosEventReset()
- KosEventSet()
- KosEventWait()
- KosEventWaitTimeout()
- KosMutexDeinit()
- KosMutexInit()
- KosMutexInitEx()
- KosMutexLock()
- KosMutexLockTimeout()
- KosMutexTryLock()
- KosMutexUnlock()
- KosRWLockDeinit()
- KosRWLockInit()
- KosRWLockRead()
- KosRWLockTryRead()
- KosRWLockTryWrite()
- KosRWLockUnlock()
- KosRWLockWrite()
- KosSemaphoreDeinit()
- KosSemaphoreInit()
- KosSemaphoreSignal()
- KosSemaphoreTryWait()
- KosSemaphoreWait()
- KosSemaphoreWaitTimeout()
- DMA buffers
- I/O ports
- IoReadIoPort8(), IoReadIoPort16(), IoReadIoPort32()
- IoReadIoPortBuffer8(), IoReadIoPortBuffer16(), IoReadIoPortBuffer32()
- IoWriteIoPort8(), IoWriteIoPort16(), IoWriteIoPort32()
- IoWriteIoPortBuffer8(), IoWriteIoPortBuffer16(), IoWriteIoPortBuffer32()
- KnIoPermitPort()
- KnRegisterPort8(), KnRegisterPort16(), KnRegisterPort32()
- KnRegisterPorts()
- Memory-mapped I/O (MMIO)
- Interrupts
- Deallocating resources
- Time
- Queues
- Memory barriers
- Receiving information about CPU time and memory usage
- Sending and receiving IPC messages
- POSIX support
- MessageBus component
- Return codes
- libkos library
- Building a KasperskyOS-based solution
- Developing security policies
- Formal specifications of KasperskyOS-based solution components
- Describing a security policy for a KasperskyOS-based solution
- General information about a KasperskyOS-based solution security policy description
- PSL language syntax
- Describing the global parameters of a KasperskyOS-based solution security policy
- Including PSL files
- Including EDL files
- Creating security model objects
- Binding methods of security models to security events
- Describing security audit profiles
- Describing and performing tests for a KasperskyOS-based solution security policy
- PSL data types
- Examples of binding security model methods to security events
- Example descriptions of basic security policies for KasperskyOS-based solutions
- Example descriptions of security audit profiles
- Example descriptions of tests for KasperskyOS-based solution security policies
- KasperskyOS Security models
- Pred security model
- Bool security model
- Math security model
- Struct security model
- Base security model
- Regex security model
- HashSet security model
- StaticMap security model
- StaticMap security model object
- StaticMap security model init rule
- StaticMap security model fini rule
- StaticMap security model set rule
- StaticMap security model commit rule
- StaticMap security model rollback rule
- StaticMap security model get expression
- StaticMap security model get_uncommited expression
- Flow security model
- Mic security model
- Methods of KasperskyOS core endpoints
- Virtual memory endpoint
- I/O endpoint
- Threads endpoint
- Handles endpoint
- Processes endpoint
- Synchronization endpoint
- File system endpoints
- Time endpoint
- Hardware abstraction layer endpoint
- XHCI controller management endpoint
- Audit endpoint
- Profiling endpoint
- I/O memory management endpoint
- Connections endpoint
- Power management endpoint
- Notifications endpoint
- Hypervisor endpoint
- Trusted Execution Environment endpoints
- IPC interrupt endpoint
- CPU frequency management endpoint
- Security patterns for development under KasperskyOS
- Appendices
- Additional examples
- hello example
- echo example
- ping example
- net_with_separate_vfs example
- net2_with_separate_vfs example
- embedded_vfs example
- embed_ext2_with_separate_vfs example
- multi_vfs_ntpd example
- multi_vfs_dns_client example
- multi_vfs_dhcpcd example
- mqtt_publisher (Mosquitto) example
- mqtt_subscriber (Mosquitto) example
- gpio_input example
- gpio_output example
- gpio_interrupt example
- gpio_echo example
- koslogger example
- pcre example
- messagebus example
- I2c_ds1307_rtc example
- iperf_separate_vfs example
- Uart example
- spi_check_regs example
- barcode_scanner example
- perfcnt example
- Additional examples
- Licensing the application
- Data provision
- Information about third-party code
- Trademark notices
KasperskyOS API
KasperskyOS API
In this Help section |
Article ID: api, Last review: Aug 2, 2023