KasperskyOS Community Edition 1.1

Running examples on QEMU

Running examples on QEMU on Linux with a graphical shell

An example is run on QEMU on Linux with a graphical shell using the cross-build.sh script, which also builds the example. To run the script, go to the folder with the example and run the command:

$ sudo ./cross-build.sh

Additional QEMU parameters must be used to run certain examples. The commands used to run these examples are provided in the descriptions of these examples.

Running examples on QEMU on Linux without a graphical shell

To run an example on QEMU on Linux without a graphical shell, go to the directory with the example, build the example and run the following commands:

$ cd build/einit

# Before running the following command, be sure that the path to

# the directory with the qemu-system-aarch64 executable file is saved in

# the PATH environment variable. If it is not there,

# add it to the PATH variable.

$ qemu-system-aarch64 -m 2048 -machine vexpress-a15,secure=on -cpu cortex-a72 -nographic -monitor none -smp 4 -nic user -serial stdio -kernel kos-qemu-image