KasperskyOS Community Edition 1.1

CMakeLists.txt boot file

The CMakeLists.txt boot file contains general build instructions for the entire solution.

The CMakeLists.txt boot file must contain the following commands:

  • cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.12) indicates the minimum supported version of CMake.

    For a KasperskyOS-based solution build, CMake version 3.12 or later is required.

    The required version of CMake is provided in KasperskyOS Community Edition and is used by default.

  • include (platform) connects the platform library of CMake.
  • initialize_platform() initializes the platform library.
  • project_header_default("STANDARD_GNU_11:YES" "STRICT_WARNINGS:NO") sets the flags of the compiler and linker.
  • [Optional] Connect and configure packages for the provided system programs and drivers that need to be included in the solution:
    • A package is connected by using the find_package() command.
    • After connecting a package, you must add the package-related directories to the list of search directories by using the include_directories() command.
    • For some packages, you must also set the values of properties by using the set_target_properties() command.

    CMake descriptions of system programs and drivers provided in KasperskyOS Community Edition, and descriptions of their exported variables and properties are located in the corresponding files at /opt/KasperskyOS-Community-Edition-<version>/sysroot-aarch64-kos/lib/cmake/<program name>/<program name>-config.cmake

  • The Einit initializing program must be built using the add_subdirectory(einit) command.
  • All applications to be built must be added by using the add_subdirectory(<program directory name>) command.

Example CMakeLists.txt boot file


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12)

project (example)

# Initializes the CMake library for the KasperskyOS SDK.

include (platform)

initialize_platform ()

project_header_default ("STANDARD_GNU_11:YES" "STRICT_WARNINGS:NO")

# Add package importing components for working with Virtual File System.

# Components are imported from the following directory: /opt/KasperskyOS-Community-Edition-<version>/sysroot-aarch64-kos/lib/cmake/vfs/vfs-config.cmake


include_directories (${vfs_INCLUDE})

# Add a package importing components for building an audit program and

# connecting to it.

find_package (klog REQUIRED)

include_directories (${klog_INCLUDE})

# Build the Einit initializing program

add_subdirectory (einit)

# Build the hello application

add_subdirectory (hello)