KasperskyOS Community Edition 1.1

embedded_vfs example

This example demonstrates how to embed the virtual file system (VFS) provided in KasperskyOS Community Edition into a program being developed.

In this example, the Client program fully encapsulates the VFS implementation from KasperskyOS Community Edition. This lets you eliminate the use of IPC for all the standard I/O functions (stdio.h, socket.h, etc.) for debugging or performance improvement purposes, for example.

The Client program tests the following operations:

  • Create a folder.
  • Create and delete a file.
  • Read from a file and write to a file.

Supplied resources

The example includes the hdd.img image of a hard drive with the FAT32 file system.

This example does not contain an implementation of drivers of block devices used by the Client. These drivers (the ATA and SDCard programs) are provided in KasperskyOS Community Edition and are added in the build file ./CMakeLists.txt.

Example files

The code of the example and build scripts are available at the following path:


Building and running example

To run an example on QEMU, go to the directory containing the example, build the example and run the following commands:

$ cd build/einit

# Before running the following command, be sure that the path to

# the directory with the qemu-system-aarch64 executable file is saved in

# the PATH environment variable. If it is not there,

# add it to the PATH variable.

$ qemu-system-aarch64 -m 2048 -machine vexpress-a15 -nographic -monitor none -sd hdd.img -kernel kos-qemu-image

See also Building and running examples section.