IProviderFactory interface

The IProviderFactory interface provides factory methods for receiving the interfaces necessary for working with the MessageBus component.

A description of the IProviderFactory interface is provided in the file named messagebus/i_messagebus_control.h.

An instance of the IProviderFactory interface is obtained by using the free InitConnection() function, which receives the name of the IPC connection between the application software and the MessageBus program. The connection name is defined in the init.yaml.in file when describing the solution configuration. If the connection is successful, the output parameter contains a pointer to the IProviderFactory interface.

i_messagebus_control.h (fragment)

class IProviderFactory



virtual fdn::ResultCode CreateBusControl(IProviderControlPtr& controlPtr) = 0;

virtual fdn::ResultCode CreateBus(IProviderPtr& busPtr) = 0;

virtual fdn::ResultCode CreateCallbackWaiter(IWaiterPtr& waiterPtr) = 0;

virtual fdn::ResultCode CreateSubscriberRunner(ISubscriberRunnerPtr& runnerPtr) = 0;




fdn::ResultCode InitConnection(const std::string& connectionId, IProviderFactoryPtr& busFactoryPtr);

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