KasperskyOS Community Edition 1.1


This command is declared in the file /opt/KasperskyOS-Community-Edition-<version>toolchain/share/cmake/Modules/platform/nk2.cmake.

nk_build_edl_files(NAME ...)

This command creates a CMake target for generating an .edl.h file for one defined EDL file using the NK compiler.


  • NAME is the name of the CMake target for building an .edl.h file. If a target has not yet been created, it will be created by using add_library() with the specified name. Required parameter.
  • NOINSTALL – if this option is specified, files will only be generated in the working directory but are not installed in global directories: ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/_headers_ ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/_headers_/${PROJECT_NAME}.
  • CDL_TARGET is the target when building .cdl.h files for CDL files containing descriptions of components of the EDL file for which the build is being performed.
  • IDL_TARGET is the target when building .idl.h files for IDL files containing descriptions of interfaces of the EDL file for which the build is being performed.
  • NK_MODULE is the global module associated with the EDL file. The name of the project must be indicated in this parameter.
  • WORKING_DIRECTORY is the working directory for calling the NK compiler, which by default is the following: ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}.
  • DEPENDS refers to the additional build targets on which the EDL file depends.

    To add multiple targets, you need to use multiple DEPENDS parameters.

  • EDL is the path to the EDL file for which the edl.h file is being generated. Required parameter.
  • NK_FLAGS are additional flags for the NK compiler.

Example calls:

nk_build_edl_files (echo_server_edl_files CDL_TARGET echo_cdl_files NK_MODULE "echo" EDL "resources/Server.edl")

nk_build_edl_files (echo_client_edl_files NK_MODULE "echo" EDL "resources/Client.edl")

For an example of using this command, see the article titled "CMakeLists.txt files for building application software".