KasperskyOS Community Edition 1.1


This command is declared in the file /opt/KasperskyOS-Community-Edition-<version>toolchain/share/cmake/Modules/platform/nk2.cmake.

generate_edl_file(NAME ...)

This command generates an EDL file containing a description of the process class.


  • NAME is the name of the process class. Required parameter.
  • PREFIX is the name of the global module associated with the EDL file. The name of the project must be indicated in this parameter.
  • EDL_COMPONENTS is the name of the component and its instance that will be included in the EDL file. For example: EDL_COMPONENTS "env: kl.Env". To include multiple components, you need to use multiple EDL_COMPONENTS parameters.
  • SECURITY is the qualified name of the security interface method that will be included in the EDL file.
  • OUTPUT_DIR is the directory in which the EDL file will be created. The default directory is ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}.
  • OUTPUT_FILE is the name of the EDL file being created. The default name is ${OUTPUT_DIR}/${NAME}.edl.

This command exports the EDL_FILE variable and sets it equal to the path to the generated EDL file.

Example call:

generate_edl_file(${ENTITY_NAME} EDL_COMPONENTS "env: kl.Env")

For an example of using this command, see the article titled "CMakeLists.txt files for building application software".