KasperskyOS Community Edition 1.1

Cross compilers

Properties of KasperskyOS cross compilers

The cross compilers included in KasperskyOS Community Edition support processors that have the aarch64 architecture.

The KasperskyOS Community Edition toolchain includes the following tools for cross compilation:

  • GCC:
    • aarch64-kos-gcc
    • aarch64-kos-g++
  • Binutils:
    • AS Assembler: aarch64-kos-as
    • LD Linker: aarch64-kos-ld

In addition to standard macros, an additional macro __KOS__=1 is defined in GCC. Using this macro lets you simplify porting of the software code to KasperskyOS, and also simplifies development of platform-independent applications.

To view the list of standard macros of GCC, run the following command:

echo '' | aarch64-kos-gcc -dM -E -

Linker operation specifics

When building the executable file of an application, by default the linker links the following libraries in the specified order:

  1. libc – standard C library.
  2. libm – library that implements the mathematical functions of the standard C language library.
  3. libvfs_stubs – library that contains stubs of I/O functions (for example, open, socket, read, write).
  4. libkos is the library for accessing the KasperskyOS core endpoints.
  5. libenv is the library of the subsystem for configuring the environment of applications (environmental variables, arguments of the main function, and custom configurations).
  6. libsrvtransport-u is the library that supports IPC between processes and the kernel.