KasperskyOS Community Edition 1.1

Names of process classes, components, packages and interfaces

Process classes, components, packages and interfaces are identified by their names in IDL, CDL and EDL descriptions. The names of process classes, components and packages form three sets of names within a KasperskyOS-based solution, in which any name is unique within its own set. A set of package names includes a set of interface names.

The name of a process class, component, package or interface is a link to the IDL, CDL or EDL file in which this name is defined. This link is a path to the IDL, CDL or EDL file (without the extension and dot before it) relative to the directory that is included in the set of directories where the source code generators search for IDL, CDL and EDL files. (This set of directories is defined by parameters -I <path to files>.) A dot is used as a separator in a path description.

For example, the kl.core.NameServer process class name is a link to the EDL file named NameServer.edl, which is located in the KasperskyOS SDK at the following path:


However, source code generators must be configured to search for IDL, CDL and EDL files in the following directory:


The name of an IDL, CDL or EDL file begins with an uppercase letter and must not contain any underscores _.