KasperskyOS Community Edition 1.1


This function is declared in the coresrv/time/time_api.h file.

Retcode KnGetRtcTime(RtlRtcTime *rt);

This function writes the POSIX system time (in RTC format) to the rt parameter.

If successful, returns rcOk, or returns rcFail if an error occurs.

The RTC time format is defined by the RtlRtcTime structure (declared in the rtl/rtc.h file.):

typedef struct {

rtl_uint32_t msec; /**< milliseconds */

rtl_uint32_t sec; /**< second (0..59) */

rtl_uint32_t min; /**< minute (0..59) */

rtl_uint32_t hour; /**< hour (0..23) */

rtl_uint32_t mday; /**< day (1..31) */

rtl_uint32_t month; /**< month (0..11) */

rtl_int32_t year; /**< year - 1900 */

rtl_uint32_t wday; /**< week day (0..6) */

} RtlRtcTime;