KasperskyOS Community Edition 1.1

Build process overview

To build a solution image, the following is required:

  1. Prepare EDL, CDL and IDL descriptions of applications, an init description file (init.yaml by default), and files containing a description of the solution security policy (security.psl by default).

    When building with CMake, an EDL description can be generated by using the generate_edl_file() command.

  2. Generate *.edl.h files for all programs except the system programs provided in KasperskyOS Community Edition.
  3. For programs that implement their own IPC interface, generate code of the transport methods and types that are used for generating, sending, receiving and processing IPC messages.
  4. Build all programs that are part of the solution, and link them to the transport libraries of system programs or applications if necessary. To build applications that implement their own IPC interface, you will need the code containing transport methods and types that was generated at step 3.
    • When building with CMake, standard build commands are used for this purpose. The necessary cross-compilation configuration is done automatically.
    • When building without CMake, the cross compilers included in KasperskyOS Community Edition must be manually used for this purpose.
  5. Build the Einit initializing program.
    • When building with CMake, the Einit program is built during the solution image build process using the build_kos_qemu_image() and build_kos_hw_image() commands.
    • When building without CMake, the einit tool must be used to generate the code of the Einit program. Then the Einit application must be built using the cross compiler that is provided in KasperskyOS Community Edition.
  6. Build the Kaspersky Security Module.
  7. Create the solution image.

Example 1

For the basic hello example included in KasperskyOS Community Edition that contains one application that does not provide any services, the build scenario looks as follows:

Example 2

The echo example included in KasperskyOS Community Edition describes a basic case of interaction between two programs via an IPC mechanism. To set up this interaction, you will need to implement an interface with the Ping method on a server and put the Ping service into a new component (for example, Ping), and an instance of this component needs to be put into the EDL description of the Server program.

If a solution contains programs that utilize an IPC mechanism, the build scenario looks as follows: